This past week we celebrated the sesquicentennial (thats 150th for you in Duluth) anniversary of the Pontifical North American College. There were hundreds of priests and thirty or so bishops, all alumni of the college, who were in town for the reunion. Because of this great anniversary Pope Benedict invited the whole college, alumni priests, faculty, and seminarians, in for a private audience.
He came in from the back of the room to our applause and shook everyone's hand who was on the right side as he walked to the front. I couldn't believe that he was going to take that much time to shake everyone's hand who was on the aisle. It took a lot of time for him to do that, but I think he realized how much it meant to each and everyone of us. When he got to his chair we all sang "Ad moltos Annos," which means "may you live for many years." He then sat down and our Rector, Msgr. Checcio addressed him on behalf of the college.
Sidenote: Msgr. Checcio is a good friend of Brad Childress, the vikings coach. So he gets weekly updates on the team. So although from Philadelphia, Msgr. has invited all the Vikings fans for a pre-game tailgate party this evening, the game starts at 7pm Roman time. Go Vikes!

After, Msgr.'s address, Pope Benedict addressed the college. He thanked the college for their work over the years in forming over 5,000 priests and exhorted us to continue to grow in virtue, fidelity to the Church, and pastoral zeal.

Pope Benedict then headed to the back of the room, this time shaking everyone's hand on the left side (facing the front). This is when I was able to shake his hand. I can remember when he was walking in. I thank God for these pictures, because it happened so fast. I grabbed his hand, looked into his eyes, I said, "God bless you," I kissed his ring, and the next thing I knew, he was past me.
Catholics may kiss the pope's ring as a sign of respect, a sign of respect for the authority he holds as the Vicar of Christ and the successor of Peter. Non-Catholics usually just shake his hand.
Also, he gave us his apostolic blessing. But he mentioned how he wished to bless all our families and friends as well! That's YOU!
If this is the first time you have seen these pics, its because you aren't on facebook! Not to name names, Dad, Melissa!
nick you're such a name dropper! I can't even keep up with my e-mails much less becoming some kind of internet social butterfly